How to use 改めて (あらそう)
Meaning of 改めて
The Japanese verb "改めて" (あらそう, aratamete) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- Again: To do something once more, often with a sense of formality or renewed intent
- Example: 改めてお礼を言います。
- Translation: I thank you once again.
- Formally: Used to indicate doing something in a formal or official manner
- Example: 改めてご挨拶させていただきます。
- Translation: Allow me to formally introduce myself.
- Anew: Starting over or redoing something from the beginning
- Example: 彼は改めてプロジェクトを始めた。
- Translation: He started the project anew.
Learn 改めて from Animes
傷の男の攻撃に一度は 死を覚悟するエドで あったが
Edward once resigned himself to death from Scar's attack.
マスタング大佐らの介入により 一命を 取り留めた
However, thanks to Colonel Mustang's intervention, he narrowly escaped death.
👉👉生きていることの喜びを 改めて知ったエド とアルは―
Edward and Alphonse, once again realizing the joy of being alive,
in order to repair their respective bodies,
生まれ故郷である リゼンブールに帰ること にした
decide to return to their birthplace, Risembool.
(Narration) Maes Hughes is dead.
ウロボロスの入れ墨を持つ 謎の者たちに 殺されたのだ
He was killed by mysterious individuals with Ouroboros tattoos.
その死に疑問を抱いた マスタングは―
Suspecting something about his death, Mustang—
👉👉軍上層部の関与を知り改めて中央への進出を 決意する
learns of the military high command's involvement and decides to move to Central anew.
何も知らないエドとアルは ウィンリィ と共に
Ed and Al, unaware of any of this, travel south with Winry
師匠が住む ダブリスの街を目指して
aiming for the city of Dublith, where their master lives.
南部へと旅立った だが…
They set off to the south, but...