How to use 敷く (しく)
Meaning of 敷く
The Japanese verb "敷く" (しく, shiku) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- to spread: To lay out or spread something flat, typically a cloth, mat, or sheet on a surface.
- Example: 布団を床に敷く。
- Translation: To lay out a futon on the floor.
- to pave: To cover a surface with flat stones or bricks.
- Example: 道路を石で敷く。
- Translation: To pave the road with stones.
- to set (table): Preparing a table with dishes or cutlery for a meal.
- Example: テーブルに食器を敷く。
- Translation: To set the table.
- to hold (an event): To organize or hold an event or ceremony.
- Example: 会議を敷く。
- Translation: To hold a meeting.
- to apply: To spread or apply something like paint or cream.
- Example: クリームを顔に敷く。
- Translation: To apply cream on the face.
Learn 敷く from Animes
Hey, Dr. Marcoh.
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Do you think that research book will have clues for us to return to our original bodies?
There's a possibility.
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After all, it's alchemy we're not familiar with.
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I'm counting on you, Doctor! Oh, I want to see my family soon.
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And here you were, totally whipped by your wife.
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You want to meet just your daughter, don't you?