How to use 断定 (だんてい)

Meaning of 断定
The Japanese verb "断定" (だんてい, dantei) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- assertion: The act of stating something as fact, often without providing evidence or allowing for doubt.
- Example: 彼はその事件について断定的な発言をした。
- Translation: He made an assertive statement about the incident.
- conclusion: A final decision or judgment reached after consideration.
- Example: その結論はまだ断定できない。
- Translation: That conclusion cannot yet be determined.
Learn 断定 from Animes
She was at the Fifth Laboratory...
(Sound of a door being forced open)
(バリー) 覚えててくれてうれしいねえ
(Barry) It's nice you remember me.
オレなんか撃たれた右手の穴を 見るたびに 思い出してんだぜ
Every time I look at the hole in my right hand that was shot, I remember.
The sister who killed Hughes.
That's a misunderstanding!
(Barry) Really?
The newspaper says the culprit's been confirmed.
No way...
(バリー) おめえさん このままだと―
(Barry) You, if things stay this way—
You'll be framed and executed by firing squad.
ウソよ ちゃんと調査すれば…
That's a lie If they investigate properly...
(Barry) Choose.
このまま なぶり殺しにされるか オレと 一緒に逃げるか
Either you get tortured to death or escape with me.
It's one or the other!
あれを焼いたのがお前さんだと 聞いてピン ときたよ
When I heard you were the one who burned that, I had a hunch.
何 たくらんでる?
What are you plotting?
👉👉たくらんでると分かってて あれをロス少尉 と断定したのか
You knew and still pinned it on Lieutenant Ross?
A comrade is a precious thing.
戦友なんかじゃねえ 共犯者だろ
We're not comrades, we're accomplices.
お前さんが焼いて オレが解剖
You did the burning, I did the dissecting.
イシュヴァールは巨大な 実験場だった
Ishval was one giant experiment ground.