How to use 暴れる (あばれる)
Meaning of 暴れる
The Japanese verb "暴れる" (あばれる, abareru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- to act violently: Expressing oneself in a physically uncontrollable and violent manner, often causing disruption.
- Example: 彼は突然暴れだして、部屋の中のものを壊し始めた。
- Translation: He suddenly started acting violently and began breaking things in the room.
- to rampage: Behaving wildly or destructively, often in a large area or public place.
- Example: 群衆は抗議の最中に暴れた。
- Translation: The crowd rampaged during the protest.
Learn 暴れる from Animes
作戦とは ロス少尉の救出以外にも 何か あるのか
Is there anything else to the operation besides rescuing Lieutenant Ross?
ええ 軍に巣食っている黒幕を 釣り上げて やろうと思いましてね
Yes, I plan to lure out the black hand that has nested in the military.
今度会ったら… 釣り上げる?
Next time we meet... Lure them out?
👉👉第五研究所の秘密を握るバリーが あれだけ 派手に暴れたんだ
Barry, who knows the secret of the Fifth Research Institute, made such a big fuss.
They'll definitely come to silence him.
(ブラッドレイ)賢者の石は多くの人間の魂 が含まれた高エネルギー体だ
(Bradley) The Philosopher's Stone is a high-energy entity that contains the souls of many humans.
👉👉人間の体へ入ると 拒絶反応で暴れまわり
When it enters a human body, it causes a rejection reaction and goes on a rampage,
attempting to take over the body.
石による破壊と補修は 元の体が死ぬか
The destruction and repair caused by the Stone continue until
賢者の石に 打ち勝つまで繰り返された
The original body dies or it overcomes the Philosopher's Stone.
(ブリッグズ兵) ああ 真っ暗だな…
(Briggs soldier) Yeah, it's pitch dark...
(クレミン)早く… (ブリッグズ兵)うん ?
(Clemens) Hurry... (Briggs soldier) Huh?
早く 錬成陣の中心へ行くんだ
Get to the center of the transmutation circle, quickly.
早く ここではダメだ!
Hurry, we can't stay here!
(Briggs soldier) Stop struggling!
(クレミン) 私を中心へ連れていけ! 早くしろ 飲み込まれる!
(Clemens) Take me to the center! Hurry, we're getting swallowed!
Hurry up!
(Soldiers' screams)
(カーリー) なんだ? 何が起こってる?
(Carly) What's going on? What's happening?
(Greed) Damn
(Darius) Greed
(Greed) Gorius
(Darius) Are you alright?
(グリード) ちょうどいい オレも乗せて け
(Greed) Perfect timing. Give me a ride too.
状況 分かってる奴が必要だろ
We need someone who understands the situation.
(ダリウス) そうだ 一体 何が起こっ てるんだ?
(Darius) Right. What exactly is happening?
👉👉(グリード) お父様っつう 親玉人造人間 が暴れてんだよ
(Greed) Our "father," the chief Homunculus, is on a rampage.
こっから先 戦えねえ奴は置いてけ
From here on out, leave behind anyone who can't fight.