How to use 有難い (あらわす)
Meaning of 有難い
The Japanese verb "有難い" (あらわす, arigatai) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- grateful; thankful: This word expresses a feeling of gratitude or thankfulness towards someone or something.
- Example: 彼の助けがあって、私は本当にありがたいと思っています。
- Translation: With his help, I am truly grateful.
- precious; valuable: It can also mean something is precious or valuable, often in a non-material sense.
- Example: この経験は私にとってとてもありがたいものです。
- Translation: This experience is very precious to me.
- thank you; thanks: Used as a polite way to express thanks, similar to "thank you" in English.
- Example: ありがたいことに、皆さんが手伝ってくれました。
- Translation: Thanks to everyone's help, I was able to manage.
Learn 有難い from Animes
(リン・ヤオ) いやーっ 生き返ったあ!
(Ling Yao) Wow, I'm alive again!
あんた方 命の恩人だ ありがとう
You guys are my saviors, thank you.
ハハッ ごっそうさん
Haha, don't worry about it.
I didn't say I would treat you.
小さいこと 気にしなーい
Don't worry about the small stuff.
Don't say small!
いや しかし 異国で触れる人情 ありがたいねえ
Well, it's heartwarming to feel this kind of humanity in a foreign land.
あれを焼いたのがお前さんだと 聞いてピン ときたよ
When I heard you were the one who burned that, I had a hunch.
何 たくらんでる?
What are you plotting?
たくらんでると分かってて あれをロス少尉 と断定したのか
You knew and still pinned it on Lieutenant Ross?
A comrade is a precious thing.
戦友なんかじゃねえ 共犯者だろ
We're not comrades, we're accomplices.
お前さんが焼いて オレが解剖
You did the burning, I did the dissecting.
イシュヴァールは巨大な 実験場だった
Ishval was one giant experiment ground.
レイブン中将の姿が見えないそうだ どこか 行きそうな所を知らないか?
It seems that Major General Raven cannot be found. Do you know where he might have gone?
He's missing?
まいったな ここは素人が勝手に 歩き回れるほど安全な構造じゃない
That's troubling. This structure isn't safe enough for amateurs to wander around.
If something happened to the Major General...
(Kimblee) That would be fortunate.
In the case that something happened to Major General Raven,
私 個人の判断で 自由に動いてよしと
I've can act freely on my own judgment.
大総統から許可を もらっているんですよ
I've gotten the Führer's permission for this
(ジャン・ハボック) 体の状態が落ち着い たら
(Jean Havoc) Once my condition stabilizes,
東部の病院に 移ろうと思ってるんすよ
I'm thinking of transferring to a hospital in the east.
そう 寂しくなるわね
Is that so. It will become lonely.
だったら ちゃんとした お見舞いを持って くればよかった
Then I should have brought a proper gift when visiting.
はい差し入れ 1日1本よね?
Here's your daily delivery, one a day, right?
ありがたいっす ちょうど切れてたもんで
Thanks, I was just out.
(リザ) じゃあ また来るわね
(Riza) Then I'll come again.
(Havoc) Thanks!
Rebecca was worried about you too.
ああ はいはーい
Oh, okay, okay.
そんじゃ 私らも手伝いますか!
Then shall we help out too!
おおっ ありがたい お2人がいれば百人力 ですな
Oh, that's wonderful. With you two, it's like having a hundred men
いや… あまり期待しないでちょうだいな
No... don't expect too much, please
どうやら私 人柱とかいうやつらしいんで
Apparently, I'm some kind of human sacrifice
ある程度 戦ったら とんずらこかせて もらうわ
So after fighting to a certain extent, I'll make my escape
Before I get caught by something dangerous
(Sound of clapping)
(医者) よーし いいぞ そのまま
(Doctor) Good, just like that.
さてと マスタング君 時間がないんだ
Now then, Mustang, we're short on time.
進んで協力してくれると ありがたい
It would be great if you'd cooperate willingly.
君 ちょっと人体錬成して 扉を開けてくれ ないかね?
Would you mind doing a human transmutation to open the gate?
(Doctor) Anyone will do.
亡くなった親 恋人 友人
A deceased parent, lover, friend,
君と仲がよかった 何と言ったっけ?
who was that guy you were close with?
Hughes, right?
(ブラッドレイ夫人) どうですか? お 仕事のほうは
(Mrs. Bradley) How are things going with your work?
(グラマン) いやはや 問題が山積みで 一気に老け込みました
(Grumman) Oh dear, there are so many issues, it's aged me overnight.
とはいえ 東はマスタング君
Nevertheless, in the East, we've got Mustang,
北はアームストロング君が しっかり やっ てくれていますので
and in the North, Armstrong is holding things down well,
この老いぼれも なんとか 大総統のいすに 座っていられます
so this old man can still sit in the Führer's chair somehow.
It's quite a relief.
Aren't you going to pass it on to the younger generation?