How to use 枯れる (かれる)
Meaning of 枯れる
The Japanese verb "枯れる" (かれる, kareru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- To wither: Used for plants or trees when they lose their vitality and dry up.
- Example: 木が枯れてしまった。
- Translation: The tree has withered.
- To lose vitality: Used metaphorically for people or objects that lose their liveliness.
- Example: 彼の情熱が枯れてしまった。
- Translation: His passion has dried up.
- To mature with age: Used to describe skills or techniques that have become refined and polished over time.
- Example: 彼の技術は年を取るにつれて枯れていった。
- Translation: His skills have matured with age.
Learn 枯れる from Animes
(アルフォンス) へえ… じゃあもう 元 の体に戻りたいと思わないんだ?
(Alphonse) Oh? So you don't want to return to your original body?
You're satisfied with this body then?
Of course not!
Of course we want to return!
(アルフォンス) それが答えだろ?
(Alphonse) That's your answer, right?
(Zanpano, Jelso) Ha...
👉👉(アルフォンス) どうせとかしょうがない とか 枯れたこと言わないでよ!
(Alphonse) Then don't say defeatist things like "it can't be helped" or "that's just the way it is"!
元の体に戻れる可能性を 探りもしないでさ !
Without even trying to explore the possibility of returning to your original bodies!