How to use 潰れる (つぶれる)
Meaning of 潰れる
The Japanese verb "潰れる" (つぶれる, tsubureru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- to collapse: When a structure or organization fails or falls apart.
- Example: 会社が潰れてしまいました。
- Translation: The company collapsed.
- to be crushed: When something is physically pressed or squeezed out of shape.
- Example: 彼の夢は潰れてしまった。
- Translation: His dream was crushed.
- to go bankrupt: When a business fails financially.
- Example: あのレストランは潰れた。
- Translation: That restaurant went bankrupt.
- to be ruined: When plans or hopes are completely destroyed.
- Example: 旅行の計画が潰れた。
- Translation: The travel plans were ruined.
- to be squashed: When something soft is flattened by pressure.
- Example: 虫が潰れてしまった。
- Translation: The bug was squashed.
Learn 潰れる from Animes
What's up...
早く起きて でないと始まっちゃうよ?
Get up quickly, or it'll start!
始まるって… 何が?
Start? What's starting?
The eclipse!
ハア… あのな 今 何時だと思ってんだ?
Sigh... What time do you think it is now?
It's not time for the eclipse yet.
アッ おい太陽 見るなよ!
Ah, hey, don't look at the sun!
👉👉目が潰れっぞ! (ブロッシュの妹)エッ!
Your eyes will get ruined! (Brosh's sister) Eek!
(ブロッシュの弟) 知ってるよ その くらい
(Brosh's brother) I know that much.
アッ! 兄ちゃん来て来て 町から煙が 上がってる!
Ah! Big brother, come quick, there's smoke rising from the town!