How to use 粒 (つぶ)

Meaning of 粒
The Japanese verb "粒" (つぶ, tsubu) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- grain, particle: Refers to small, discrete units or pieces, often used for seeds, grains, or small objects.
- Example: この米粒はとても小さいです。
- Translation: This grain of rice is very small.
- particle, dot: Used in contexts like digital images or print, where it refers to the smallest visible unit.
- Example: この写真には粒子が粗いですね。
- Translation: The particles in this photo are quite coarse.
- bead, drop: Describes small, round objects like beads or drops of liquid.
- Example: 彼女の首飾りには美しい粒がたくさんあります。
- Translation: Her necklace has many beautiful beads.
- pimple, acne: Refers to small skin blemishes.
- Example: 彼は顔に粒ができています。
- Translation: He has pimples on his face.
Learn 粒 from Animes
(エドワード) 牛乳嫌い
(Edward) I hate milk.
(ピナコ) 飲まないとチビのまんまだよ
(Pinako) If you don't drink it, you'll stay short forever.
(エドワード) だれがチビだ 寸足らず ババア!
(Edward) Who's short, you half-pint granny!
👉👉なんだって この豆粒チビ!
What did you say, you bean-sized shorty!
Minimum granny!
Micro shorty!
Ant size!
Mite size!
(街の人) いやーっ あんたがうわさの 天才錬金術師かあ!
(Townsperson) Wow, so you are the rumored genius alchemist!
(街の人) なるほど!
(Townsperson) I see!
こんな鎧着てるから 二つ名が鋼なのかあ!
So, you wear this armor, and that's why they call you 'Steel'!
(アルフォンス) あっ あのボクじゃなく て…
(Alphonse) Ah, that's not me actually...
(街の人1)お? (街の人2)ええ?
(Townsperson 1) Oh? (Townsperson 2) Eh?
えっ あっちのちっこいの?
Eh, the small one over there?
Who are you calling a tiny bean sprout?!
(Ling) What?
エンヴィーが 化けたりしてねえよな?
Envy hasn't disguised himself as you, has he?
(リン) あのなあ… なんなら ホテルの ルームサービスのメニュー
(Ling) Listen... if you want, the entire room service menu from the hotel
全部 言ってやろうか!
I can recite all of it!
(エドワード)よし 本物だ
(Edward) Good, you're the real deal.
(リン) そっちこそ 偽物じゃないだろう な この豆つ…
(Ling) You better not be an impostor, you bean-sized...
👉👉(エドワード) 誰が豆粒だあ てめえ!
(Edward) Who are you calling a bean, you bastard!
(リン)よし 本物だ
(Ling) Good, you're the real deal.
Fullmetal Alchemist.
えっ? どこです?
Huh? Where is he?
Where's Lord Edward?
Over there.
どこにも いないじゃないですか
He's not anywhere.
だから あれだと言っている
That's why I said "over there".
あの小柄なのが 鋼の錬金術師だ
That small one is the Fullmetal Alchemist.
👉👉乙女の純情 もて遊んだわね この飯粒男!
You've toyed with a maiden's pure heart, you grain man!
👉👉んだと この飯粒女が
What did you say, you grain woman!
(Alphonse) Alkahestry,
中央図書館でなら 何か分かるかもね
maybe we'll find something at the Central Library.
👉👉(エドワード) ああ 豆粒女が見つから ない以上
(Edward) Yeah, since we can't find the tiny girl,
we have no choice but to investigate ourselves.
(アルフォンス) 少しでも手がかり 見つかるといいね
(Alphonse) It would be nice if we could find even a small clue.