How to use 純粋 (じゅんすい)

Meaning of 純粋

The Japanese verb "純粋" (じゅんすい, junsui) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Pure / Genuine: Refers to something that is unadulterated or without impurities, both literally and metaphorically.
    • Example: これは純粋な金です。
    • Translation: This is pure gold.

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(キング・ブラッドレイ) こうして死に 直面するというのは いいものだな
(King Bradley) Facing death like this, it's quite something, isn't it?

👉👉純粋に死ぬまで戦ってやろうという 気持ち しか湧いてこん
The pure urge to fight till death emerges.