How to use 見学 (けんがく)

Meaning of 見学

The Japanese verb "見学" (けんがく, kengaku) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Observation tour / Study visit: Refers to visiting a place to observe, learn, or study how something is done. This can be in educational, professional, or casual contexts.
    • Example: 工場を見学する。
    • Translation: We're going to tour the factory.

Learn 見学 from Animes


👉👉(試験官) 試験を見学されるとは お 珍しい
(Examiner) It's rare to have someone observe the exam.

(キング・ブラッドレイ) なあに12歳の 子供が 来たというのでな
(King Bradley) Well, they said a 12-year-old kid was coming,

話のタネに 見ておこうと思ったのだよ
so I thought I'd watch, just for the story.


👉👉あっ あの… たまにお仕事 見学に来ても いいですか?
Uh, um... Can I come to observe your work sometimes?

(ドミニク) 孫の顔を見にたまーになら 来るがいいさ
(Dominic) You can come occasionally to see my grandchild.

そっちの はねっ返りもな
And that rebellious one too.


(Alphonse) How did it go?

👉👉ああ 国家錬金術師って言ったら すんなり 見学させてくれた
Ah, when I mentioned I was a State Alchemist, they let me observe without any trouble.

(アルフォンス) 地下への入り口は―
(Alphonse) What about the entrance to the underground?

It didn't exist.

だが 錬金術で塞いだ跡はあった
But there was a trace of it being sealed off with alchemy.