How to use 警備 (けいび)

Meaning of 警備
The Japanese verb "警備" (けいび, keibi) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- Security / Guarding: Refers to the protection or surveillance of a place or event to prevent crime, danger, or intrusion.
- Example: その建物は厳重な警備がされている。
- Translation: That building is under tight security.
Learn 警備 from Animes
(Alphonse) It doesn't look like him.
(Edward) He's not that big.
貴様 何者だ
Who are you?
鋼の錬金術師 エドワード・エルリック
Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist.
中央の アームストロング少佐の紹介で
I've come to meet the Brigadier General here,
on the introduction from Major Armstrong in Central.
First, I'd like you to remove this guard.
(オリヴィエ) ボディチェックをしろ
(Olivier) Do a body check.
んなっ? 怪しいもんじゃないって!
What? I'm not suspicious!
(Olivier) I don't care.
有名人の名を語ることなど 誰でもできる
Anyone can claim to be a famous person.
(エドワード) すっげえ ホントにでかい なあ
(Edward) Wow, it's really huge.
これほどの仕込みに気づかず 侵入を許すと は…
For us to not notice such an elaborate setup and allow infiltration...
今まで入られたことは なかったんですか?
Has anyone ever managed to get in here before?
Not since I've been here.
But nearly 20 years ago,
👉👉真冬に山岳警備兵が 襲われる事件があった
there was an incident where mountain guard soldiers were attacked in dead winter.
謎の女に1か月 食糧や装備を奪われ続けた そうだ
They were robbed of food and gear by a mysterious woman for a month straight.
(アルフォンス・エドワード) どふっ!
(Alphonse & Edward) Huh!?
(イズミ・カーティス)真冬のブリッグズ山 で1か月 生き延びたぞ!
(Izumi Curtis) I survived in the Briggs Mountains for a month in the dead of winter!
(Both) That was you...
👉👉(マイルズ) 謎の女による 山岳警備兵 襲撃
(Miles) The mysterious woman’s attack on the mountain guards,
just like the incident about 20 years ago.
(バッカニア) たった1人に 全滅とは…
(Buccaneer) Wiped out by just one person...
アームストロング少将が帰ったら 殺され ますな
When Major General Armstrong returns, I'll be killed for sure.