How to use 追いかける (おいかける)

Meaning of 追いかける

The Japanese verb "追いかける" (おいかける, oikakeru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. to chase: Pursuing someone or something in order to catch them.
    • Example: 彼は逃げる泥棒を追いかけた。
    • Translation: He chased after the fleeing thief.
  2. to follow: Following someone or something, often in a non-physical sense like a trend.
    • Example: 彼女は最新のファッションを常に追いかけている。
    • Translation: She always keeps up with the latest fashion.
  3. to pursue: Actively following a goal or ambition.
    • Example: 彼は夢を追いかけるためにニューヨークへ移住した。
    • Translation: He moved to New York to pursue his dreams.

Learn 追いかける from Animes


(Alphonse) Danger!

Water from the canteen, huh?

サンキュー アル
Thanks, Al.

👉👉(アルフォンス) 追いかけよう 兄さん
(Alphonse) Let's chase him, brother.

(アームストロング) 行くぞ エルリック 兄弟
(Armstrong) Let's go, Elric brothers.

(アルフォンス)はいっ! (エドワード) おう!
(Alphonse) Yes! (Edward) Yeah!


あの太い奴 たしか人造人間と呼ばれていた
That big one, he's called a Homunculus, right?

(Mei) A Homunculus?

不死身に近い再生力を持っている うかつに 手出しはできん
They possess almost immortal regenerative abilities, we can't be reckless.

👉👉不死身… 願ってもない 追いかけましょう
Immortality... exactly what I wished for. Let's chase after them.

(傷の男) 言っただろう 簡単にいく相手 ではないぞ
(Scar) Didn't I tell you? They're not opponents to be taken lightly.


(花屋のおばちゃん) フラれたね お 兄さん
(Florist Lady) You've been turned down, young man.

👉👉花でも買って 追いかけたらどうだい?
Why not buy some flowers and chase after her?

諦めはいいほうでね 遠慮しとくよ
I prefer to give up gracefully, I'll refrain.

(花屋のおばちゃん) フる女もいれば 拾う女もいるさ
(Florist Lady) There are women who reject, and there are women who pick up.


(エドワード) ぐうっ… なんとか ウィンリィたちに知らせないと!
(Edward) Ugh... I must somehow inform Winry and the others!

👉👉この吹雪の中 追いかけるのは不可能だ
It's impossible to chase them in this blizzard.

だからって放っておけるか! オレは行くぞ
But can I just leave it be? I'm going!

Don't underestimate a blizzard, amateur!

あっという間に体力を奪われ 凍え死ぬぞ
You'll be drained of your strength in no time and freeze to death.

(アルフォンス)あるよ 方法
(Alphonse) Well, there is a way.