How to use 重量 (じゅうりょう)
Meaning of 重量
The Japanese verb "重量" (じゅうりょう, jyuuryou) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- Weight: Refers to the measure of how heavy something is.
- Example: この荷物の重量は20キロです。
- Translation: The weight of this luggage is 20 kilograms.
Learn 重量 from Animes
なっ なんというスピード
What... what speed.
Sloth's Slowus
(オリヴィエ) ハア 少し引っかけた
(Olivier) Hah, I caught a piece of him.
今の 見えたか?
Did you see that just now?
(アームストロング) かすかにしか
(Armstrong) Only barely.
With that weight, yet at this speed.
いやはや 反則だな
Well, that's cheating.
(スロウス) そう オレ最速の人造人間
(Slowus) Yes, I am the fastest homunculus.